A Prayer for difficult times

This poem came to me on the last day of an intensive journaling workshop, Nov, 2018.

The skies grow darker, the clouds heavier

the winds are howling and blowing hard,

the thunder is crackling and the ligthning pierces like a sword

striking terror in the heart


May i trust and fear not the elements,

may i have faith in the depth of my roots,

and may i trust the womb of the earth to hold me and protect me


and may i invite the clouds to open and send forth the rain,

for it comes to wash me and nourish me

may i embrace and open up to the wind and listen to the song in its howls,

for it comes to blow away all that is not me, all that needs to drop and go

may the lightning strike and burn to ashes the fortresses, that this me has erected -hoarding, protecting,separating


May my faith grow roots, for they say the roots reach deep and wide reaching, interconnecting 

and may i see, that space where what seems like the inside and the outside and the me and the not me, is but one big forest

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A Prayer for difficult times