Do you believe in ghosts ?

"Do you believe in ghosts ?"
Do you believe in ghosts nanna?” asked my daughter
Yes and No” I said, complicating the matter,
In the day, when there is light and everything is bright
I am a rational man, my reason sharp and my logic tight,
But as light fades, beckoning the night
reason slackens and imagination awakens !

Invisible figures and eerie voices taunt me and frighten me,
the courage by day abandons me. Doubts and fears buzz like a bee ;
A proud atheist by day, I am shaking in my pants,
Pleading to the gods, muttering chants

But when again the night slips away
I am by daylight .. bright and gay
the previous night, now an amusing secret
between me and myself, to none I will let
and now I am a rational man, flaunting reason and logic,
Until darkness seeds doubts, when I'll need god and magic


  1. Very nice ram, so very true and applicable to most of us.
    So Shweta/sneha were satisfied with the answer?!? :)

    1. unable to recollect who "thinking hat" is :) i dont know about satisfaction but they did listen to it ..

  2. Quite a reflective poem Ram,
    -Rohan Kapil


A Prayer for difficult times